Ardunio playing a vital role in present electronics fields and technical market.
We can build different projects simply by using Ardunio due to its compatibility with various sensors.
              Ardunio can be easily connect With wide of sensors, offcourse programme dumping and It's operating procedures is also very simple with less complexity. Ardunio Uno is the highly prefered board due it's low and better features than Mega and Nano.
         Coming to the 16x2 LCD display interfacing with Arduino 
       16x2 LCD display is a 16 pins Liquid Cristal Display. It looks as follows
             Vcc or Vss - supply pin
             Vdd or GND- ground
              E - enable
             D0 - D7 - Data pins
             A and K - Anode and cathode
The interfacing circuit of 16x2 LCD display and Arduino Uno is as follows

Process of Dumping program code :     
we can dump the code in two ways by using
1. Arduino IDE software (for PC)
You can download the ardunio IDE software in the below link

2. ArduinoDroid App (for smartphones)
You can download Arduniodroid application from play store

After completion of circuit connections ,there are some simple steps for displaying the message on LCD 
1. Open the Ardunio Ide or ArdunioDroid
2. Click on 'sketch' option
3. Click on 'Libraries Examples' ,then click on 'Liquidcrystal'
4. Click on 'hello world', then compile and upload it .
5. Hello world message displays on LCD
6. Now edit the 'hello word ' with your message what ever you want to display
7. Again Compile and Upload into the Board.
8. Given message displays on the LCD

1. You should select your Arduino Board type (i.e., whether it is Uno,Nono or Mega etc..)
2.when you are using Ardunio IDE , you should select your port in IDE port option either it is COM3 ,COM4  or Port type according to your PC.

The process of interfacing is in our Youtube channel Acts of Facts in the below link

Thank you guys for visiting our page,hope u learnt something new...😇😇


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